Monday, September 30, 2013

Preparing for the SSCP

This Saturday I am taking the Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Exam which is pretty much the mini Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). I was originally going to take the Security+ test, but it ended up my job wouldn't pay for that so instead I ended up with this. Throughout the week I will continue to prepare for the exam and put any useful material I find helpful in preparing as well as update this after I take it to give my perspective on the exam. I have been reading materials and taking practice exams throughout the last month so this is the home stretch for me. Fingers crossed that I'll pass. From what I hear others say about it I hear its a doozy.


I passed! Below are some sources that I found helpful. Overall I didn't think it was that tough, but I also have some background in it.


ISC2 SSCP Candidate Information Bulletin
This is a handout the ISC2 has of what the exam will be covering. Found it helpful just to review this to match my reading to the area that the exam was going to test on.

SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner All-in-One Exam Guide by Darril Gibson

 My biggest resource used. Read this a couple times through and did all the quizzes as well as the Master Exam that you can download with it.

Quizlet, Skillport, any other place that you can get practice questions
One thing that I did that I thought was really helpful is just took as many practice tests as possible to see the most questions. Nothing I saw was a great comparison to the exam I took, but just seeing a bunch of questions and having to answer them helped me greatly in being prepared.